
He also addressed the homophobic abuse he faces at rallies.

Democratic party nomination hopeful Pete Buttigieg has spoken with Craig Melvin for NBC Today about a wide variety of his political viewpoints for his campaign.

Addressing how he was different from others seeking the nomination, like Joe Biden, Buttigieg said: “I think one of the ways we’ve been able to to cut through is that we represent something different.

“I’m hoping to appeal to anyone who is focused on the future. That includes anyone from a blue-collar worker in the industrial midwest, to a transgender woman of colour, which by the way, could be the same person.

“So instead of slicing of dicing all of the different constituencies in our party, I’m trying to have messages that are not only specific to how any individual’s going to be made better off, but also how we can express that common sense of belonging and common sense of desire for a better life that can unite America in a time where we’re being divided and carved up.”

He turned his ire on the current incumbent of the White House, one Donald Tr*mp, adding: “Especially with a president who seems focused on dividing us against one another for political gain.”

When asked about polls showing that most Americans don’t believe the country is ready for a gay president, Buttigieg responded by saying: “I’ve heard people say the same thing about electing presidents from any number of minorities or other categories.

“At the end of the day, people need to know who they’re voting for, and when I came out it was in the middle of a re-election campaign in a socially conservative, if largely Democratic, community at a time that Mike Pence was the governor of our state.”

He added that he came out because wanted “people to know who I was and I started wanting to have more of a personal life.” The effect of him coming out saw him get re-elected with 80% of the vote.

He continued, saying: “I believe Americans can look past prejudices and biases in order to do the right thing. And I have a lot of faith in that.”

And addressing homophobic hecklers at his rallies, he said: “In politics, you see the good, the bad and the ugly.” He added that he ignored them in order to give his central message.

Related: Pete Buttigieg addresses white male privilege during Trevor Noah interview