Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Shot entirely on the beach of Ipanema, considered the place of gay freedom in Brazil, photographer Beto Urbano explores love and happiness inside a country tightening its grip on LGBTQ equality.

All models seen here are proudly queer or firm allies.

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

Beto Urbano/GayTimes

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