Your bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your house. As with all places, our environment has a huge impact on our wellbeing and mood.

As we step into 2019 and think about all of the good habits we want to incorporate into our daily lives, here are seven tips on how to make your bedroom a more relaxing place to slumber.

1. Invest in a good mattress.

Feeling rested has a lot to do with the quality and quantity of sleep you have. You spend a third of your life sleeping on your bed, and while upfront costs of a new bed may be scary it is still worth it to get the best that you can afford. Invest time into choosing a mattress that suits you and the way you sleep.

2. Choose a statement bed frame.

 From four poster to platforms, the options for a chic piece of furniture are endless.

3. Make your bed.

Invest in good bedding and linen. Layering is key to a beautiful looking bed. It gives your space an instantly glamorous look. There should be enough pillows so that your bed looks sumptuous and inviting when properly made.

4. Invest in a bedside table.

A nightstand with all the necessities looks lovely but is also a nice way to showcase your personality and style.

5. Style your dresser top.

Use this space to display a collection of your favourite things. It doesn’t have to be an entire etagere-full, but a cluster of pieces that put a smile on your face and that you use regularly will make a bedroom just right.

6. Make sure your bedroom smells nice.

Relaxation is strongly associated with smells. Invest in scented candles and diffusers. Different scents fit different moods.

7. Get yourself a good mirror.

Whether you decide to hang them or simply prop one up against the wall, mirrors are great at making a space feel larger and brighter than it actually is.

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