
The music video features various couples dancing together.

Country singer Cameron Hawthorn has used the music video for his song Dancing in the Living Room to come out as gay. The music video features Cameron on a TV playing his guitar while various couples, including straight and an interracial lesbian ones dance to the song.

As the song progresses, Cameron leaves the studio where he was playing to return home to his boyfriend, where they also begin dancing.

Some of the lyrics include “I’ve got you in my arms and I’m right at home,” and “We do us, and love is love.”

Speaking to the Advocate about the song and his sexuality, Cameron said: “I remember always thinking how special it was to dance freely with my boyfriend in the living room of our apartment — being gay, it’s not as easy to dance as a couple in public together as it is for a straight couple.

“I wanted to express how special that moment is for a couple, when it’s just the two of you in the privacy of your own four walls.”

Many other celebrities have used 2019 to show their true selves, and you can our full list here.

And you can watch the music video for Dancing in the Living Room below.